This is my port of CyanogenMod 10.2 for ZTE Blade III. It is unofficial and unsupported by the CyanogenMod team. It’s for advanced users only.
Do not mirror my builds! Please post a link to this page instead.
- RIL (mobile network & data)
- Wifi
- Bluetooth
- Audio (playback/input/routing/headphones/etc)
- Camera (photos, camcorder & panorama)
- Hardware acceleration and OpenGL rendering
- Hardware video decoding & encoding
- ‘Project Butter’
- SDcard
- USB-storage (on external sdcard) & adb
- USB-tethering
- Wifi-tethering
- Touchscreen/multi-touch
- Sensors
- LEDs
- FM radio
Not working:
- ???
- CyanogenMod team & everyone who’s been working on CM10.2
How to install:
- boot into ClockWorkMod recovery
- backup and restore -> backup (makes a nandroid backup of your previous ROM)
- mounts and storage -> format /system
- wipe data and factory reset
- install
- install
- reboot now
Q: I can’t find developer options and performance settings, why?
A: Settings -> About phone -> Click ‘Build number’ several times
Q: I don’t have reboot options in power menu, why?
A: Settings -> Developer options -> Advanced reboot
Q: When I’m connected with an USB cable to my computer, I can’t see my internal sdcard as a storage, why?
A: I’ve made an executive decision not to include a mount point for internal sdcard. This is because recent Android versions don’t allow setting emulated sdcard as secondary storage. Setting rather small emulated sdcard as a primary storage caused issues with games/apps that want to download large amounts of data to the sdcard.
Merged commits not mentioned in the changelog.
20.12. changelog:
- few updates for wifi services
- rotated front facing camera sensor (again)
- CM 10.2.0 final
- WhisperPush (merged)
11.10. changelog:
- fixed various issues with audio (sound recorder, VoIP?)
- rotate front facing camera sensor 180 degrees
- android 4.3.1
21.9. changelog:
- fixed FM radio
- set correct MAC address for bluetooth
- added uhid driver for bluetooth keyboards and mouses
- either broke or fixed bluetooth tethering (forgot to test :P)
- hacked battery voltage to report in correct unit
- removed Focal (merged)
14.9. changelog:
- fixed bluetooth (bluedroid stack)
- increased default keypress vibration duration on stock keyboard
- CM Account (merged)
28.8. changelog:
- fixed muted mic in Viber
- removed deprecated device parts app
- utilized CM’s new hardware tunables framework
- vibrator intensity (Settings -> Device - More… -> Vibrator intensity)
- USB charging (Settings -> Device - More… -> USB charging)
15.8. changelog:
- more display hacks
- fixed issue in cpu freq table that caused reboots on some devices
- expose 4.3’s hidden app ops feature (Settings->Security->App ops)
- Dalvik startup with a low memory footprint
- Development setting to enable navbar
- Re-add link to DeviceParts
- new settings menu structure (merged)
7.8. changelog:
- fixed everything that uses native screen capture method (screenshot, thumbnails in recent apps view, electron beam animation, etc)
- fixed use of mmparser (e.g. WMA and DivX hardware decoding)
- complete libaudio overhaul (fixed e.g. notification sounds)
- added KonstaKANG features
- option to show navigation bar
- option for navigation bar height
- option to disable bootanimation
- option for MIUI style battery bar
- partition info
- forum link in about phone
- always allow PIE controls and hardware key settings
- and more
5.8. changelog:
- initial release