This is my port of CyanogenMod 10.1 for ZTE Blade. It is unofficial and unsupported by the CyanogenMod team. This ROM is mainly for developers/testers/advanced users. I’m really not interested in hearing whining about non-working things (and questions when they will be fixed), actually I couldn’t care less if you have issues with this ROM. ;) There’s sources linked below to build CM10.1 yourself. If you must have something fixed right now - you better do it yourself.
Do not mirror my builds! Please post a link to this page instead.
You’ll need at least 160mb system partition for the ROM and gapps to fit. Both gen1->gen2 and G2 TPTs are available at Amphoras’ site. Gen3 patch for CM7/9/10/10.1 is available here.
- Wifi
- RIL (mobile network & data)
- Bluetooth (& bt-tethering)
- Audio (playback/input/routing/headphones/etc)
- Camera (photos, camcorder & panorama)
- Hardware acceleration and OpenGL rendering
- Hardware video decoding & encoding
- SD card
- USB-storage & adb
- USB-tethering
- Wifi-tethering
- Touchscreen/multi-touch
- Sensors
- LEDs
- FM radio
Not working:
- ???
- CyanogenMod team & everyone who’s been working on CM10.1
Merged commits not mentioned in the changelog.
5.8. changelog:
- updated gapps package
- removed Talk (it was replaced by Hangouts anyway)
- latest Google Play (4.2.9)
- newer Google Search ( but nowhere near the latest though
24.7. changelog:
- CM10.1.2 (patched ‘master key’ exploit)
3.7. changelog:
- fix native bluetooth tethering (thanks to zeelog)
- reclaim some RAM from triple buffer (thanks to plaguedbypenguins)
- CM10.1.1
14.5. changelog:
- backport low memory killer from 3.4 kernel (thanks to plaguedbypenguins)
- faster wifi reconnection after deep sleep (thanks to plaguedbypenguins)
19.4. changelog:
- rewrite device settings
- add option to disable button backlight
- included total of two wallpapers :P (AOSP and CyanogenMod default wallpapers)
29.3.2013 changelog:
- updated Effem and other FM related updates (thanks to daemond)
- possible fix for texture corruption on some rare occasions (thanks to daemond)
- increase PIE controls trigger area and allow PIE controls without enabling expanded desktop
- change default cpu governor to smartassv2
- more Ad-Hoc changes
- compiled using AOSP gcc 4.7 toolchain
24.3.2013 changelog:
- included daemond’s Effem (FM Radio) app
- fixed audio routing and FM Radio volume control issues (thanks to C3C0)
- backported bluetooth UHID driver - added support for bluetooth input devices (thanks to plaguedbypenguins)
- pie controls
- semi-working Ad-Hoc support (open networks)
- phone: Make going to call log after call optional
- am: Allow more hidden apps on devices with lots of RAM + limit max background processes
- Use jpegOptimized bootanimations
- new Apollo (merged)
6.3.2013 changelog:
- FM radio with RDS support (thanks to daemond)
- qcom-fm: audio: add support for FM feature
- FM Radio: avoid deadlock when disabling RDS
- update KGSL from CAF, fixes GPU out of memory issues (i.e. white textures, thanks to daemond)
- disable camera hdr
- disable hw acceleration on lockscreen
- fix navbar height option
- bring back Apollo music player
- Apollo: Fetch album art from media provider if present
- new Superuser (merged)
20.2.2013 changelog:
- framework: fix rotation of electron beam animation
- removed couple of non-standard/useless features (e.g. persistent notification when headphones are plugged in)
15.2.2013 changelog:
- Android 4.2.2
11.2.2013 changelog:
- reverted commits that caused ‘Process system isn’t responding’ issue on every reboot
- included czech and portuguese (pt_PT) dictionaries
- surface texture enhancements (thanks to daemond)
- call statistics (merged)
29.1.2013 changelog:
- hardware vsync events (thanks to daemond)
- fixed some audio routing issues (thanks to daemond)
- fixed messed up u/v plane alignment in some videos (thanks to daemond)
- Custom lock screen background
- option to toggle dimming of the notification shade
19.1.2013 changelog:
- Fix restoring network mode preference on reboot
- Mms auto-retrieval
- Wifi tethering: disable wow and add wakelock (thanks to daemond)
15.1.2013 changelog:
- build hwcomposer and fake vsync events
- fixed native wifi tethering (thanks to daemond)
- fixed squished pattern/sim unlock screen
12.1.2013 changelog:
- fixed bluetooth (thanks to Ganster)
- set correct permissions for boostpulse (now it actually works :P)
- enabled divx and wma hw decoding (thanks to Ganster)
- Added flip and shake to snooze
6.1.2013 changelog:
- fixed charger mode detection
- fixed missing videoplayer controls
- fixed video playback in portrait mode
- fixed messed up third party camera apps (Camera 360, Barcode scanner, etc)
- SystemUI: always use transparent notification shade
5.1.2013 changelog:
- fixed hardware video decoding/encoding, e.g. YouTube HQ, HTML5 playback, Camcorder, etc (thanks to Ganster, psyke83 and everyone else involved)
- fixed camera preview glitches (thanks to psyke83)
- NavigationBar : Customization
- NavigationBar: Custom height
- Allow purging of asset bitmaps
- added option to disable bootanimation
1.1.2013 changelog:
- backported USB gadget driver from msm-3.0 kernel (thanks to WaylandACE)
- fixed native USB tethering
- fixed issues with apps failing because of borked usb0 interface (e.g. network speedtest apps)
- switched to wpa_supplicant_8
- added power hal and boostpulse support to ondemand governor
- Quick Settings: Swipe to switch
- Add persistent notification when headphones are plugged in
- CyanogenMod clock widget - Chronus (merged)
21.12.2012 changelog:
- new world order